Saturday, July 05, 2014

The Diagnosis

It all started on April 30th, 2014, when I went to my yearly pap. I was laying on the table chatting about traveling and working with my doctor when she found a lump. She let me feel it, and asked if I had felt it before, unfortunately, I do not do my own breast self exams, so I had not. After the appointment, I told Jesse (husband) about it, I tried to find it to show him, it took so long, we both assumed it was nothing. I scheduled my appointments around my 21 day on, 5 day off work schedule, going to the appointments when my work schedule allowed. It wasn't until June that I even had a biopsy. On June 9, 2014, I was in-between appointments a state away when my phone rang, it was the surgeon. He said,"The results of the biopsy are is cancer." I immediately went numb, I couldn't believe it. My first response was what any logical person would say, "I can't deal with this right now, I am getting married on June 29 and I have a neckline that I can't have scars on." Reasonable right? After talking to the doctor and my company's management I was able to go home early. The plan was to leave for my wedding on June 20 returning on July 3/4. I spent the next two weeks going to doctors almost daily, I met with a surgeon, reconstructive surgeon, reproductive endocrinologist, and oncologist. As I was finalizing my wedding, I was also in the process of setting up a game plan on beating this.