Monday, July 14, 2014

Not so pretty: the healing process

I haven't left the house in 6 days, not even to step out on the back porch. I've created a cave while I am healing up, its in our basement, it receives the least amount of light and stays the coolest. I have it at 68 degrees consistently and the Real Housewives of somewhere on repeat. Everyone else thinks its freezing, I am usually to warm. The other reason I have kept it so cool is because of the incisions in my armpit. I can't wear deodorant so I am doing everything in my power NOT to sweat. I currently regret not getting my armpits waxed before all of this.

Its been nice waking up without an alarm. I sleep about 12-15 hours a day right now, and typically when I wake up my pain pills have worn off. I usually have two thoughts right away..."ouch" and "do I really have to get up right now" of course I don't have to get up literally, but if I don't get up I will wet the couch of my little cave. It takes so long to scoot out of my cubby hole I have to debate whether I should get up or not. I'm moving around faster and better, and have created my own routines. I do my daily arm exercises. I have been drinking lots of water. I have to drink a glass of miralax and stool softener everyday. The worst part about the pain meds is the constipation that they cause. I won't go into how long, but I have a feeling that has to do with my appetite or lack there of.

I have taken shallow sponge type baths. I am really nervous about messing up the sutures or ripping something out so we have to be gentle. I have limited turning and stretching abilities so J had to help me out since I can't wash my back, and I cry when he has had to. I never thought that I would have to have someone help me bathe. I had to tie a rag around my neck and attach my drain lines to and then pat myself dry. I can now dry shampoo my hair myself I have to put my head upside down, but it works. Through it all, I have pains that keep coming and going, makes me think will this end? I have lost all feeling in my breasts and my upper left arm, it actually is more painful for me to touch them because the not being able to feel hurts worse.

One of my Zeta besties bought me the most comfortable outfit to hideout in, it has made this so much easier. In the picture I am holding the drain lines up underneath the shirt.

My nightly routine is more action packed then anything, its almost like I look forward to it. Around 7pm is when it gets crazy. I wash my face, put on lotion, eat my vitamins. Then around 7:30pm, Jesse gives me 5 injections in my stomach and I take 2 pills, this is for the IVF. I then take my pain pills, brush my teeth, and J empties my drains. All of this usually takes about 1:30 - 2 hours. We take our time, but its our nightly routine. He eventually goes upstairs and I go stay in my ice cold cave until the next morning when we start it all over again.